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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Art of The Title- Grid Analysis

Summarise your film idea. Provide a brief synopsis and outline what happens in your film opening

Our film concept is a serial killer who targets their ex group of friends, picking them off one by one. Eventually they only have one target left, the group's ring leader who cause them to be made an outcast from the group. The film opens with an investigation into one of the group member's murder.

What kind of information has been included in your film opening?

In our opening we have included:

-The films title "Immolere"
-Characters: The Ring Leader (Protagonist), The Serial killer (Antagonist) and the group of friends
-The Genre: Horror, this is conveyed through the low key lighting, images of corpses and body parts and by   not showing the identity of the antagonist

How do the titles link to the main film idea?

The first image is of the group of friends. The faces are crossed out to signify that they have been murdered.The title "Immolere" means to kill by means of ritual sacrifice in Latin, also the row of knives links to the concept of a serial killer. The corpse in the second image is one of the serial killer's victims. Furthermore, the typeface that was used is designed to look like each of the individual letters have been cut out and stuck on a separate piece of paper, this gives a fairly creepy feel to the entire sequence and fits in perfectly with our chosen genre.

Summarise the expected audience reaction. What should the audience be thinking by the end of your opening? Is your opening clear or ambiguous?

We expect the audience to be left slightly uneasy after the opening sequence, due to the fact that they aren't given much in terms of information regarding characters and story line. All they learn is that the film contains death, an unknown figure and people being targeted. It is because of the lack of information that the film is made to seem quite ambiguous.

Identify three things you included in your grid that are important in the construction of an opening sequence and explain their role in understanding the film

1-  Clarity in genre: Hints the audience as to what they should be expecting to feel and set the mood of the film.
2- An introduction to characters: Leaves the audience wondering what the antagonist is about, what motivates them and gets the audience thinking about all possibilities.
3- Close ups: Gives small insight into films plot without giving too much away. Helps to set mood for the film, the close ups leave a large amount to the imagination.

How effective us your project as a film opening?

I believe that the project was extremely successful as it complies with all the conventions of a horror film, not giving much away and leaving the audience wanting to know more. In hindsight i would have used slightly wider shots in some of the images to give a sense of setting.

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