
Welcome to my A2 media Blog, I'm Josh Stevenson (0796) and I'm in Group 2 with Harry Kettenis (0390), Matthew Romo (1660) and Ysabel Hudson-Searle (0331). Use the labels on the right to navigate through my blog, with the A2 labels relevant to my current course. You can access the main music video blog aswell using the link.

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Friday, 27 September 2013

Accident Sequence

What techniques did you specifically use to create continuity in your accident sequence?
To create continuity, we tried to keep all of the action at a fast pace to keep the audience engaged and feeling the intensity of the action. With some of the shots it was fairly difficult to create continuity because we wanted to have Gavin falling out of the tree without him actually doing so. In order to get past this problem, we used quick cuts to different angles. In addition to this, we also kept the story line very simple because six shots doesn't allow much to be conveyed without causing any confusion.

 In hindsight, what could you do to improve the continuity of the sequence?
In order to improve the continuity, I would have used lighting in shots 4-6 to give a stronger impression that all of the shots were filmed at the same time of day. Due to the natural lighting outside being unreliable, the last 3 shots are much darker than the first 3.

Also, I would have placed the camera much higher in shot 5 as you are able to see the ground fairly close up, because as it stands, it looks as though the actor doesn't drop from that much of a height. Ideally we would have been able to actually have Gavin fall out of the tree, as we would have been able to capture more realistic shots without the need of close up shots to show what had actually happened.

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