
Welcome to my A2 media Blog, I'm Josh Stevenson (0796) and I'm in Group 2 with Harry Kettenis (0390), Matthew Romo (1660) and Ysabel Hudson-Searle (0331). Use the labels on the right to navigate through my blog, with the A2 labels relevant to my current course. You can access the main music video blog aswell using the link.

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Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Shoot Day 19/11/14

Starting at 1230 and finishing at 1545, this was the shortest of all our shoots. Since we were so close to the end of our month of production, we thought it was time we tied off certain loose ends and got on with out promo shots. Our only set-up for the day was the White performance shots, with us having to film mid close-ups, close-ups and extreme close-ups. While Yssy got into costume, Matt and Harry set up the lighting and I prepared the camera.

We wanted to go for a "wet" look in these shots, keeping the shot very simplistic to act as our main performance shot throughout the video. Because the framing is so tight in this shot, Yssy had to ensure she enunciated each word, so that what she was singing was very clear.

Reviewing the footage

This was our most important shot, so we wanted to make sure there were no issues what so ever with our footage. Because of this, we would review the footage after each take and pin point anything that needed to be changed in lighting or in the way Yssy performed.

In the close-ups and extreme close-ups, it was so important for us to use the external monitor, because any small issues are blown up to huge proportions and become extremely easy to see. While shooting, I would be constantly looking at the monitor to ensure that there were no issues with the shot. It just made the whole process that much easier for us as a group.

                                    Watching for any errors while filming
ECU on the monitor

This shot did require us to be on our toes constantly; the studio lights were so hot, that if we didn't frequently wet Yssy's hair and face, it would be minutes before she was dry again. Just before each take we would redo the water so all of our takes are consistent with one another, on one occasion I needed to redo it mid take.

Re-wetting Yssy's Hair
The footage from this shot turned out really well, showing Roza in her most vulnerable state. This footage gives us a really good base layer on which we can layer various emotions, through the use of our other performance shots.

Base layer for performance bed
The remaining time in the studio was used taking promo shots for our website and album cover. The white shots were good to do before our promo shots, because the set is virtually the same. I have no idea why, but as soon as we started taking the promo shots, I turned into what people stereo-typically see as a photographer. I was taking photographs from the strangest of angles, getting as close to the ground as physically possible, running from one area to the next and even giving her directions like "tease the camera".

Production from the Promo shoot
 Take away my odd personality change, I managed to get some really nice shots showing Roza in a variety of different ways and letting the fans see various elements of Roza's personality. Below are examples of the images capture.

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